PC Exams Portal
PC Exam Type
Exam Dates & Modules
Student Status
- CIMA at home exam ( (PC Exams Only), , , )
- CIMA:I will choose my own PearsonVUE centre ( (CIMA PC Exams Only), , , )
- Douala/Livestream ( 1388 Rue Bebey Eyidi,, 6th Floor, Zenithe Building Dika Akwa Face Palais Dika, Bd de la République, Douala, )
- e-Campus (Livestream) ( Online, , , )
- Parktown ( 30 Wellington Road, Office Suite 4, Kopano On Empire, Parktown, Johannesburg, Gauteng )
- Pretoria ( 1226 Francis Baard St,, 1st Floor, Capital Junction, Hatfield, Pretoria, Gauteng )
- Sandton (Rivonia) ( 1 Mellis Road, Mellis Court, Rivonia, Johannesburg, Gauteng )
Learn more about our Funding and student Loan Options: www.charterquest.co.za/funding
Get up to 30% Combo Discounts when enrolling for CIMA/ACCA Face-to-Face Classes
Get a FREE BPP Practice & Revision Kit (over and above Kaplan Books) when you enrol for the CIMA/ACCA TEPP Package.
International Students who require a student visa should apply via the International Students' Route here. Student Visas are not offered to part-time students.
Please select the campus where you would like to take the PC Exam. The campus selection below only displays the campuses that are offering PC Exams currently.