Step 1: Pre-enrolment

The International Student Guide

Are you contemplating coming to study accounting and finance in South Africa? Please read the step-by-step guide on your left, which will give you information on what you need to know and do, in order to come and study in South Africa with CharterQuest.

South Africa, in recent years, has experienced a growing number of students coming each year to study finance and accounting courses. This step-by-step international students' guide, equips you with the necessary information on the process of becoming an international student with CharterQuest from the enrolment phase through to procuring your study permit and beginning classes.

Step 2: Enrol with CharterQuest

How to Enrol with CharterQuest. 

To enrol as an inter­na­tional stu­dent down­load our Inter­na­tional Stu­dent Pol­icy (get pol­icy here); read it care­fully as it details all the require­ments, then submit a signed copy as well as indi­ca­tion of which course and sub­jects you would like to enrol in. If not done so already, you may also reg­is­ter with your respec­tive pro­fes­sional body and apply for exemp­tions, if need be, as this allows you to know the appro­pri­ate level to begin your course.

Once we receive your signed inter­na­tional stu­dents pol­icy this will enable us to reg­is­ter you as an inter­na­tional stu­dent with Char­terQuest and allow us to avail your pro- forma invoice stat­ing your tuition fee for up to 6 sub­jects per year and for which you can make pay­ment using the bank­ing details provided.

Step 3 - Documentation & Accommodation

Once enrolled/ registered as an inter­na­tional stu­dent you then need to pro­cure your study per­mit. You will receive a let­ter of admis­sion and other doc­u­men­ta­tion (see inter­na­tional stu­dent pol­icy) from us which you can use to lodge your study per­mit appli­ca­tion. You need to prop­erly research the require­ments needed to obtain a study permit/ visa to come study in South Africa, this visa checklist (See VISA Check­list) pro­vides a sum­mary of these require­ments so that you can have an idea of the cri­te­ria and nec­es­sary documentation.

We under­stand how hard it is to relo­cate so we have pro­vided accom­mo­da­tion ser­vices exclu­sively for our inter­na­tional stu­dents to ease this tran­si­tion. Your accom­mo­da­tion costs are built into your tuition fee and as such, Char­terQuest arranges suit­able accom­mo­da­tion for you with ease of access to your cam­pus of study. Once you have been fully enrolled you will need to sign a sep­a­rate accom­mo­da­tion agree­ment with Char­terQuest as details will be stated in this agree­ment. Please note you also have the option of procur­ing your own accom­mo­da­tion should you wish to do so and it is one the require­ments of your study permit/ visa appli­ca­tion to pro­vide proof of accom­mo­da­tion arrangement

Step 4 - Lodge Study Permit Application

Lodging Your Study Permit Application

South Africa’s stu­dent visa/ permit regime is far friend­lier than that of UK and most Main­land Euro­pean coun­tries, USA, Canada, Aus­tralia and New Zealand. You can lodge your study per­mit appli­ca­tion either at a South African Embassy in your home coun­try or from within South Africa at your near­est Depart­ment of Home Affairs. We rec­om­mend that you pro­cure your study per­mit before trav­el­ling to South Africa. There is a huge short­age of accoun­tants in South Africa and that is the rea­son immi­gra­tion rules allow you to work for­merly for up to 20 hours whilst study­ing and enlists account­ing as pri­or­ity skills area for pro­vi­sion of quota work per­mits upon com­plet­ing your studies.

Step 5 - Begin Course with CharterQuest

Once you have obtained your per­mit you can begin your course as an Inter­na­tional Stu­dent with Char­terQuest. Stu­dents, dur­ing and upon com­ple­tion of their pro­fes­sional des­ig­na­tion can also search for account­ing and finance jobs and con­nect with South African & global recruiters/ employers through    Char­ter­Con­nect , our careers ser­vices portal.